Friday, September 29, 2006

Blog Challenge....First time I saw your face....

From Maricar: Remember the first time you saw him? The first time he talked to you? When you knew it was more than friendship? When you told him you loved him for the first time? Now, tell US about it.

October 1st 1989
Dear Diary. Tonight was the first night of Tax Examiner training. My teaching partner Lynn and I were pretty excited about this class. We had a group of about 25 new tax examiners coming to our three week class. As we prepped for class, we were making name tags for the students. As we made the name tags we started guessing just based on the names what the gentlemen might look like. We decided two names in particular were going to be handsome men. Well, as the class started arriving, turns out we were right on. One of those in particular caught my eye.

October 19th 1989
Dear Diary. Tonight was the last night of class. I have really enjoyed getting to talk to JT during this three weeks. He ACTUALLY READS BOOKS! Plus he's really cute, especially in jeans. I think I am going to call him and ask him out now that class is over. Don't want to let this chance pass by. I have tickets for tomorrow night's concert.

Oct 20th 1989
Dear Diary. I have a date tonight! We are going to see the Canadian Brass at the RLDS auditorium.

Oct 27th 1989
Dear Diary. Sorry I have neglected you, but I have been kind of busy. JT and I seem to talk on the phone a lot and hang out a lot. Gosh, I just don't want him out of my sight really. I know it's only been a week, but I really like him. He found out my favorite book is Count of Monte Cristo and hasn't read it yet, so he is reading my copy.

Nov 15th 1989
Dear Diary. I think I'm in love.

May 4th 1990
Dear Diary. Tonight I'm getting married! We are just going to tell our families afterwards. We are old enough to know what we want and really don't want to make a big production out of this or anything. We are meeting some friends afterwards at Amigos.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Blog Challenge - regrets......

From Sara: "Tell me about your biggest regret in life - what's the one thing you always wanted to do, but somehow you managed to miss the boat?"

You don't get to your 40s without some regrets, but lets talk biggest. There is one thing that would have changed my whole life around, and although I regret, I am not sorry about the way things turned out after all.

That regret is not going to college right out of high school. I was clueless about how to make this happen for myself, and too lazy to figure it out. I didn't have guidance in the practical matters of how to make it happen. The sad part is I was in a gifted class in high school (the first one that existed at my high school) and I was a Kansas State Scholar based on test scores that would have paid quite a bit towards school. Should I throw blame around? Should I keep harping about it? Sometimes I do both, throw blame and rehash. Then I think, good grief, it was flippin' 20+ years back, get OVER it already. Things are pretty darn good right now, and if I was some architect or robotics engineer, I would be a different person today. Probably an old lonely lady living with 14 cats.....and a fish.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


On my way to take the kids to their evening martial arts class, the stupid garage door would not open. It looked like it was trying to pull itself apart. I immediately tried to pull the release and open it manually, but no go. The cable on one side is just hanging, and on the other side there is a bracket with two bolts just missing. I was able to arrange a ride for the kids and called the repair company for a morning appointment. So much for my plans to shop after I dropped off the kids. So, I am home, just playing "The Sims" and making my little Sims' lives miserable too.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Blog Challenge....Where will I go?

From Lisa......If you could just pick up and travel anywhere--ANYWHERE--in the world, where would it be? Where have you always wanted to go but haven't been able to? Tell us all about it........

I want to go on an archaeological tour of prehistoric people. Those archaeology shows on TV get me sucked in every single time. I love seeing things from the ancient past get dug up for us to see and study today and learn how people changed. Some sites I would like to visit include France and the Middle East. I have loved this topic almost all my life. In fact, as a youngster that was one of my many career aspirations. When I was a teen I read Clan of the Cave Bear. The author really did a lot of research in just the places I wanted to go and created such a neat story to go along with all her quasi-history. I love to read that series of books and just imagine what it would be like to actually live it.

Weekend Update....

The highlights of my week:

  • Stress due to interview on Thursday. No phone call as of Friday 5:00 pm, so I really doubt it is me they are interested in. I thought I did well the first half of the interview, but by the time I left, I think I just made myself look like a big slobbery goober of a gal. But, I guess, I was myself. And, if "myself" is not what will fit into that particular office, then it is probably for the best.
  • Bunko at my house on Thursday night! Now that was a welcome relief after my being weirded out from the interview process. I actually made my first GOOD batch of spanish rice. I am getting better at paying attention when John gives the cooking lesson. The rice turned out awesome. I served up some burritos that my dad had brought over some time ago from Topeka. They rocked! I didn't win any money last night, but that's okay. I did have fun.
  • The family is at a board-breaking class tonight. They are getting geared up for the tournament on the 23rd. That should be fun! I am really looking forward to it, since I have had to work the last two years on that weekend. Not this year!
  • Had school board meeting Monday night. I feel so weird about being the president and all. Really out of my league. I only ran for the board three years ago because they were having trouble getting people. Especially since my kids are in public school now. But, this is my last year and I will just do the best I can, be myself. That is all I can do. Weird, goofball, or not, just get it done "make it work".
  • Speaking of Project Runway......Kayne had to go Wednesday night. That was so sad. He was sweet. But, truly he was really the only one they could send home of the final five. Now it is down to four. Laura, Jeffrey, Uli, and Michael. They are all great, but I think overall it will be either Laura or Michael to win the big money. Laura is so classy, and she has the skills to put the S*** together. Michael has fresh looks and is also great in the construction phase. Uli and Jeffrey need to branch out a bit to win I think. Can't wait for next week!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Blog Challenge - GUILTY!!!!!

From Kelly - The challenge: Write about your guilty pleasures. The stuff you indulge yourself with - whether it be crappy tv, crappy food, or too many shoes. Don't hold back, give us your dirty little secrets!

I have plenty of secrets, but for public viewing one in particular comes to mind. That is my fascination, love affair with the local casino. Now mind you, I am no crazed dice roller. I just go once or twice a year with my $40 donation to the casino corporation.

But I love being inside a casino. I feel so rich. I walk through the entrance and immediately put on my pretend rich persona. I imagine everyone looking as I walk by, daring themselves to ask for my autograph. I pretend that I really am a high roller. Sometimes I even put $5 of my $40 into a $5 slot. I am scientific about my casino experience. I always tell myself that if I increase my "holdings" (like $40 is a holding - haha) by 50% that I will immediately stop and switch to the penny slots for the rest of my alloted fun time. What a joke. Actually one time this happened and I did manage to walk out the door with my "profit".

Well, I would say it is harmless fun, but no, it really isn't harmless at all. About as harmless as booze and cigarettes. I can control my visits and limit them to once maybe twice a year, but who is to say who I influence, and what effect that influence could have in the future?

Blog Challenge - What song?

From Micki
Everyone has said it at one time or another in one way or another. Elmo said it best, "All You Need Is A Song". What song is it that just makes your day, makes your toes tap no matter what, puts a smile on your face or simply transports you back in time, and why?

I really do take stock in that whole "soundtrack of your life" philosphophy. So many times a song can say what your can't quite put a finger on, but you know is in your heart. The Turtles song "Happy Together" has been a part of my life's soundtrack since I was a preteen. I have always loved the upbeat rhythm, the sweeping chorus, and the simple but profound lyrics.

Imagine me and you, I do
I think about you day and night, it's only right
To think about the girl you love and hold her tight
So happy together
If I should call you up, invest a dime
And you say you belong to me and ease my mind
Imagine how the world could be, so very fine
So happy together
I can see me lovin' nobody but you
For all my life
When you're with me, baby the skies'll be blue
For all my life
Me and you and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it had to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together
I can see me lovin' nobody but you
For all my life
When you're with me, baby the skies'll be blue
For all my life
Me and you and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it had to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Steve's "good morning"......

"I am off to the basement to become paler, and paler, and turn into a cave troll".


I just rented Flat Out 2 and can't wait to get down to my X-box and play it as much as possible.