Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween! Hair dryer story included.

Well it's been a fun day, if you call working all day fun. I guess it was kinda fun.

After doing the timekeeping I worked on these things called SSI cards. They are undeliverables that are coming back. I pick a state, sort them out, then look up to see which referral code they get for a district office, write it on, and ship it out. Sounds fun doesn't it!?

After coming home from SSA, Jordy and I traveled to TarJay boutique in search of hair dryers. We found very nice ones. Hers has a super diffuser and is chrome. Mine is "special amethyst" and it's soooo pretty. Ahhhhh. (you will understand my enthisiasm when I share the story below. We got our trick or treat candy also. I think it's already half gone at 6:15pm.

I logged on to type some for the hospital. 4:18 to 6:06pm. Typed over 600 lines in that time. Very awesome *kaching*.


Last Wednesday my hair dryer, while being used, suddenly started emitting sparks and a smell like burning electrical wire. After calming down from my freak out episode, I unplugged it and threw it in the trash. I borrowed Jordan's hair dryer from that day forward although she did tell me that the low setting didn't work and the high setting was like the low setting. No biggie, as I figured I would get a new one over the weekend. That never happened, just too busy with everything else. Last night before bed, Jordan explained that her dryer was no longer working either! She saw a blue sparking light inside and it then wouldn't work anymore. Now, why she waited until 9:30 to tell me? Oh well. So, this morning was an adventure. We put the space heater up on the counter in our respective bathrooms to dry our hair today. I had a TOTALLY bad hair day. Yuck. It just looks stupid. It doesn't help that I need a hair cut either (already scheduled for tomorrow night).


Jordan's new hair dryer

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Annette's new hair dryer

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The End

Monday, October 30, 2006

A Story from the Topeka years (age 2-4)

We lived in a trailer just north of the Forbes Field Air Force Base. It was just a little two bedroom trailer. Bea and I had bunk beds in a tiny bedroom. I was sleeping on the top bunk which had a rail. Sometime in the night I slipped through the rail but my head got stuck. So, my body was dangling but my head was stuck! I was screaming bloody murder for what seemed like forever. I wanted a rescue. Finally I must have turned my head a bit and slipped through. I landed smack on the floor, right on my back. As soon as I hit the floor, my mom came through the door. I think I was mad at her for not getting there sooner.

just an update from the past few days

I am going to post some things that have been happening in reverse order.

Today Oct 30th..... Got a call from the V.A. wanting to interview me for a secretary job. Same grade as the SSA job, not as many flexible hour options, and not sure if they would adjust my pay up or not. I think I will just stick with SSA. Will know more tomorrow though. Jordan had piano practice after school. Steve had musical practice until 6:30 (he is on the stage crew), and I had a meeting tonight for design team Paperie Place. Turned in my board book project. Our next project is due the 10th of November. We are to make a 12x12 layout, one card and one ornament. Should be fun. Today at work was Payroll closeout. That was a new experience. But it wasn't as hard as I imagined.! Oh, I finally picked up all the drycleaning tonight.

Sunday Oct 29th.... Church at 7:30, and 5th sunday breakfast afterwards. It was nice to relax and talk to everybody. Sometimes John wants to leave sooner that I do, and I feel rushed. I need my SOCIAL time! hehe. I had to cook my Bill's Dip and head to the forum baby shower at TPP at 11. Kerry was there early and helped me with tables and chairs. Dana arrived and made things pretty. Funny - we got a call from Kristin. She was in a parking lot just 5 blocks away, lost, and panicked as people were flipping her off and such! (as she tried to find the store!). Poor thing. It was a good time. My mom and dad came over from Topeka and brought Missy with them. They took Jordan to her piano recital at 2pm where she played Send in the Clowns. I left the crop at 4pm and headed home to find them on their 2nd game of Scrabble. Mom and dad finished off the Bill's dip. We watched Coming to America. That is a funny movie. Went to bed early, all of us, at 8:30.

Saturday Oct 28th. Jordan was at her debate tourney (Oak Park HS). I typed 3 hours in the morning on Op reports for LH. Steve had set building day at his school. I just hung out, went to the store, watch Star Trek, and took a nap. Sara and I went out to the Blue Springs scrapbook store, forgot the name already. Oh well. Jordan got a ride home from Jarrett Muck. He has a car and a license, and i have known him since he was in Kindergarten. Wild. Took Jordan to Kari's party at 7 and Steve and I just hung out. Picked Jordan up at 11pm. I hear Corey was at the party too, so I'm sure that has something to do with why Jordan had a good time. :-)

Friday Oct 27th. End of my first two weeks at the SSA. I think it's going to work out fine. Had to stay up late to pick up Jordan at 11pm. John went to see Flags of our Fathers tonight in Austin TX. I will be glad when next friday rolls around and he is home for the weekend.

Thursday Oct 26th. Joann and I were supposed to have a SD class. Since they closed down we took our calendars up to TPP and I signed up for a couple of crops. Then we met Jean at The Dish and had the house special for Thursday - Margaritas - top shelf! Ohhhh. They were good. I had to order some nachos though so I could drive.

Wednesday Oct 25th. I didn't win the contest. Oh well. Kids had TKD tonight and Jordan had sundo afterwards. The co-workers in Mod 19 really liked that I brought some to share with everybody.

Tue Oct 24th. AFter work Jordan and I did some cooking. I was making coconut chews for the CFC cookie contest. There was a huge spill. My batter went all over the place on the island. I just kept dropping things. It was crazy. I think I had too much caffeine or something. But, alls well that ends well I guess. Jordan got her homecoming pictures back today. They are gorgeous.

Monday Oct 23rd. Craziness in the house. John leaving for Austin. Much sadness and frantic scurrying. Boring evening without him. I was on the computer all day about the scrapbook events described below.

Saturday Oct 21st. The day I found out Scrapbookers Dream was closing the ISD and NSD locations. I was in total disbelief for an entire day. As it sunk in I panicked. Luckily all my forum friends were able to reconnect via a new forum. But it was quite a shocker. Called TPP and they agreed to let us have our baby shower crop there on the 29th. Very nice of them to do so.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Saturdays are supposed to be fun!

Saturday dawned bright and early at 5am. Okay, the sun wasn't really up at all, but three of us were. Jordan was off to her first debate and forensic tourney of the year yesterday. She broke to semi-finals for storytelling and still has some rounds of debate to go. She had to be loading on the bus at 6am, after not getting back until 11pm. We've learned that is just part and parcel to the whole NFL (National Forensic League) participation. She really seems to love it though and we are really proud of all she has accomplished.

I am typing this weekend. Since I was up at 5am anyway I started typing, so will get off work at 1:30, still some time in the day to have a little fun.

John has headed off to his Just Faith group. When he returns, he and Steve are off to watch Cody K test for his black belt out in Blue Springs (that is where Jordy is today too!).

I hope that I can make it to the store this afternoon. I did good making a lunch a few days last week, but forgot Friday. The food at the cafeteria in the Federal bldg is very pricey. Not any price breaks. I want to cook up a bunch of chicken breast and rice for freezing that I can pull out quickly for lunches. I might try some of those little tuna packs with crackers that don't need to be refrigerated too. I could keep a couple of those at work in case I forget to bring something. Breakfast is a problem. I have just been getting up at my regular time of 5:20 and trying to get out of the door at 6am. I only worked out twice last week though, so I am considering either working later or getting up early to work out and eat breakfast.

I am listening to my favorite movie songs right now. I absolutely love the Forest Gump theme.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


It's been a long couple of weeks. I made a tough decision to take a full time job with the government. I started my new job on Monday the 16th and so far feel right at home. There are many things that prompted this decision.

  • Wrist problems. This is probably the number one reason. My right wrist has been giving me trouble. I had worked a LOT of overtime typing before vacation in July and it really brought out the problem. My choice was either to slow way, way down on the typing, or suffer pain and eventual need for surgery or therapy. While I really like typing, I want to stay as healthy as possible.
  • Pressured atmosphere. When overtime is available every single day, it really puts the pressure on. I don’t think that as an employee working from home I felt the pressure too much. When visiting the hospital for administrative issues though, you could feel the tension, pressure. Most people handle it well and were very considerate, patient and friendly, but how much fun is it to work in that kind of environment all the time? I want to feel like I make a contribution to something.
  • Vacation. After getting what I consider to be flack for daring to take 2 weeks off in July, (“no one else took two weeks off” – which is not true, as two other typists did), I decided I would have to find a different job within the hospital, or if that failed, try to get back into government service so I would have some benefit status already. At my age and time in life, I really want as many vacation days as possible. I plan to continue to take a two week vacation every year, in addition to other miscellaneous days off during the year.
  • Disenchantment. I am an idea person. I know that not every idea I think of can, or should be implemented. It would be nice to know though that suggestions were appreciated and truly considered.
  • Cabin Fever. After working from home for so many years, and being more of a people person, I was ready to get back into the world.

I am still working for the hospital on a PRN basis. I actually typed an hour Monday night and a couple of hours last night. I can sure type FAST when it is only for one hour or so! That is kind of fun. Used to be I had to pace myself, but now I can just go full steam ahead!

In other news………

Jordan will head off to a debate tourney this weekend, her first of the season. I have to work for the hospital this weekend, as I am fulfilling my every six weekend commitment until they hire my replacement. John will be heading to Austin for some training, so that will be a bummer. Steve has a new girlfriend. Oct 20th is the 17th anniversary of my 1st date with John. I am having a turkey sandwich and an apple for my lunch. AND a can of REAL Mountain Dew. Exciting stuff, I know.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Weekend Update with pictures

September 30th was a bit stressful. I had a meeting with my boss at the hospital and told her I was accepting a job at the SSA downtown. I had been turned down for 2 jobs at the hospital already and thought it was probably time to look elsewhere. I will continue on an "as needed" basis for the hospital and this will hopefully give my wrist the rest it needs. Steven had 3 friends over including Matt who moved to Arkansas last year. They had a great time.

This day was our Dinner for 8 gathering. Very enjoyable. We met two of the other four couples (we have 10) who will be in our group. Now comes the daunting task of finding days that work for 10 different people. That is always a challenge. When Fr. J. said the prayer he prayed for those who didn't have enough to eat tonight. I was pretty appalled when one woman kind of scoffed out loud (yes, while he was praying). But who knows what might have struck her as funny. Maybe she wasn't even listening to him, maybe she was thinking of something else. I have been known to laugh at the wrong moment myself.... Oct 3rd we had a girl scout meeting after school. That was pretty fun. We talked about some money earning ideas and such, a little about New York and also decided on what projects to start working on. Three of the girls are going to begin working on their gold award this year. Oct 6th I took the day off. Went to the Shatto Dairy Farm with some gals and kids. Milked a cow, had a fun relaxing day.

Oct 7th was BUSY BUSY BUSY. Steve, Jordan and I went to Rebuilding Liberty. Jordan went to a house with the Sertoma group and they were nice enough to give her a ride home. Steve and I went to a trailer home to work with a group from church. John had to divide his time between the KOC tootsie roll drive and his Just Faith group. At our house we got a lot done. I stayed until about 3 and did things like pulling skirting off the trailer to be replaced, put up mini-blinds, painted. We really accomplished a lot. I know the men were doing a lot harder work as they worked on plumbing, and deck building. But the inside was a lot nicer with the paint. I just felt bad for the guys who lived there. It's hard to ask for help but they did need help.

When we got back I had to go out and get a navy blazer for Steve, and called Claire's boutique for some white gloves for Jordan (for Jr. Cotillion). Then spent about 1-1/2 hours doing Jordan's hair and makeup for the homecoming dance. She wanted curly and that is what she got! She looked like a totally different person from the morning. When John went up to church for tootsie rolls after 5pm mass Steven headed off to the barn dance. He met a girl he liked named Sam on his mission trip this summer and she was there, so he got her e-mail. Everyone had a good time and their respective dances.

Oct. 8th was youth band 6pm mass, so we slept late. Ahhhhhh. In the afternoon the kids got all dressed up for their Cotillion class. They learned about getting refreshments, escorting, foxtrot and more. Seems like they enjoyed it, even though Steven protested a bit. Youth band mass was great!