Monday, December 10, 2007


In January it will be the 10 year anniversary of a head-on collision I was in that totaled my lovely little Ford Escort 4-door, green of course. That was the last new car I bought. Saturday night we had a bit of freezing drizzle with threat of ice. We had a dinner party to attend a couple of miles out in the country. Not too far. The roads were salted and it wasn’t horrible or anything, but as the time approached I found myself becoming almost paralyzed with fear. Really terrified. I just can’t believe that after all this time I still have this terror. On the drive home from the dinner party I ask John if he’d mind terribly if I just put my Ipod on and closed my eyes. He was okay with that and it really helped. I peeked a couple of times but the music was really good to keep me from panicking. When we got into town I was able to relax.

I guess as much as I try to have my mantra be “fear is the mind killer” it doesn’t always work that way. I guess I should be glad that I actually got into the car……

We had snow that I drove in Thursday with not a bit of trouble. Of course it was daylight and I have a stick which is great for snow.

Here are some lyrics to a Steve Green song that I have liked for a long time. The only place I’ve seen it though is on his Christmas album featuring the Salvation Army band on the cover of the album.

Rest, the Lord is near
Refuse to fear
Enjoy his life

Trust, His mighty power
Fills every hour
Of all your days

There is no need for needless worry
With such a Savior, you have no cause
To every doubt

His precious Word
Still reassures
In every trial

Call Him
If you grow frightened
Call Him
With loving care

He’ll lift the burden and you’ll
Rest, the Lord is near
Refuse to fear
Enjoy His life

Monday, December 03, 2007

Just some pictures

I haven't updated for about 3 weeks. Here are some snapshots.

Desiree and Hunter

Jordan, Mom T, David, Dad T., Steve

Jordan, Dad and Mom B., Steve

Desiree and Chris

Cameron and Brett

David and Steven

Dad T, Shannon, Erin, Mom T, Jim, Brett, Cameron, Kevin, Desiree and John

Jordan at NHS induction

Jordan and NHS induction

Baby Mykala with parents
Baby Mykala with grandparents