So, after two weeks of class, I felt toxic. Seriously toxic. Some days were just a struggle to stay awake and focused. A slew of plain M&Ms helped me through, or did I imagine that? Regardless, by Friday of the second week my body was rebelling. I just felt like a bit jumble of "ickiness". Puffy, toxic, and gross. I ate healthy all weekend, worked out every day and by this morning (Monday of the 3rd week) I feel very much improved, almost back to normal. Another week of healthy should do the trick. I had NO candy at all today. And I didn't even have a diet pop!
I was browsing around the computer and remembered this special effects picture that Jordan altered. I just love it. Well, I took the picture of course, but I have always loved to take pictures of the kids when they aren't actually "posing" for the camera. Just natural shots of life. This was was during a heavy rainstorm a couple of weeks ago and the kids were watching it come down through the storm door. Jordan made some changes to the color and I think it's awesome! Click on it to make it giant size!
I love that picture annette! I see some furry flip flops too. :)
TFS Annette!
I know you are rocking the new job!
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